
Bibliothèque des Refusés is the imprint of Susan Maxwell, an independent author and scholar who writes literary/slipstream fiction for adults, fantasy literature suitable for amyone capable of reading it, and non-fiction on themes related to archives and fiction. Dr. Maxwell has served on fiction and non-fiction juries for the British Fantasy Awards, and reviews for the British Science Fiction Association and for Inis, the magazine of Children’s Books Ireland.

Friday, 11 August 2023

Five For Friday #7: Book Reviews

During the week, the Bibliothèque elves have been updating my book reviews on the website and on Goodreads. Writing reviews is a good way to get the ink flowing, and it also forces me to articulate my thoughts on the books I read. And, as an author, I know how valuable it is—especially for independent authors—to get this kind of feedback from readers. (I generally do not rate books using the star system: it is too blunt an instrument to give a fair assessment. There are multiple criteria for evaluating a book, and a single scale cannot capture that.)

The five reviews I have chosen reflect a range of book genres, and a range of reasons for review: I review for Children's Books Ireland and BookSirens as well as for my own pleasure.

1Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux: 2014). Southern Reach Trilogy #1.

2. Elsetime by Eve McDonnell (Everything With Words: 2020)

3. Gold by Geraldine Mills (Little Island: 2017)

4. Lucia by Alex Pheby (Galley Beggar: 2018)

5. Nostalgia by Mircea Cărtărescu; trans. Julian Semilian (Penguin Modern Classics)

By the way, anyone wondering where the July newsletter is: Reader, I didn't do one. There, I've admitted it! Normal service will resume for August.  


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Bibliothèque des Refusés is the imprint of independent author and scholar Susan Maxwell.

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